FNBE E - Portfolio
-This project is divided into two parts: Part A (Individual) and Part B (Group).
In Part A, individually i was required to create my own individual instrument by using daily object and my instrument will be part of my IDJ -sketches, doodle, mind map -The poster will be my Project 1 individual assignment.In this IDJ ,i have to present my D.I.Y. musical instrument which is made up of polystrnen box with thick rubber band ,i called it as "POLY". It's an amazing instrument that vibrate the sound same as bass guitar and in this IDJ , i am going to make a story about "POLY".
Our group had chosen british pop as our theme and we named our group name as " BRITZ 12 " as our group have 12 group members which is more 2 members compared to others group.The theme poster had chosen by tutor is Daniel Mazlan.During the progression, we spent a lot of time to manage our group work and practice our performance.However there's many unpredictable problem occured like instrument can't work well , we have to face every problems together.Fortunately, we did very well during our performance.

our last rehearsal
BRITZ 12 poster
our performance : BRITZ 12 (brit pop)
Reflection :
In Project 1, ,i learnt that team work and synchronization was became an important role in this project because every members have their own impression and suggestion.So, we need to accept their suggestion.Also, we need to tolerate our groupmates in meeting and suggestion.Overall, i'm very proud as one of the members in BRITZ 12 because we really spend a lot of time and energy in the project and what we achieve is from A to Z . That is the best experience i have gained in my life.

IDJ 2 : Future Product
In this IDJ , i have to assist myself in thinking of changes you can make to an existing product - POLY to create a new product by using The SCAMPER technique .So, i called my product as " THE POLY & THE KITCHEN". What i learnt in this IDJ is SCAMPER is an amazing technique that were used throughout the idea harvesting process.
The changes SCAMPER stands for are:
S – Substitute - components, materials, people
C - Combine - mix, combine with other assemblies or services, integrate
A - Adapt - alter, change function, use part of another element
M - Modify - increase or reduce in scale, change shape, modify attributes (e.g. color)
P - Put to another use
E - Eliminate - remove elements, simplify, reduce to core functionality
R - Reverse - turn inside out or upside

IDJ 3 : Launching of the Future Product
Futhermore, i have to present my new product which i showed in IDJ 2 by using five Ws and one H - ( who? what? where? when? why? and how ?)

Project 2 : Re-branding of a Daily Object
This project is divided into two parts: Part A (Individual) and Part B (Group).
In Part A, individually i was required to prepare a proposal to rebrand and repackage the given object ( duct tape). As a group in Part B, my group and i are required to produce an advertisement video, a poster and a sale and demonstration presentation.
I was required to come up with the followings items for the given object and present my final idea proposal and idea process in an A4 report.In the report, I was required to produce; a new name, a new logo ,a new caption and. a new packaging .Also, I was required to record systematically the process of how i come up with ideas and develop my ideas before arriving to the final product.During the progression, i spent 5 hours for thinking my new product without doing anything.i just keep asking myself " what daily object is round and spinable ?"First i designed a candy tin,washing machine and measuring tape. After a while , i designed a pizza box with pizza which same as the duck tape and i preferred things that unique like "DUCK PIZZA "as my product.

The proposal report
My product - DUCK PIZZA
In this Part B,my group members( Zi Ying,Zi Shan,Bolin, Sze Hwa,Zi Fung) and i are required to produce the following for the selected product which selected the best suitable rebranding and packaging proposal from Part A to be further developed.Luckily, my product ( DUCK PIZZA) was selected by groups lecturers .During the progression , we have managed our works to every member very well. i was in charged to redesign my product.During the progression, i have discuss and solve the problems with my groupmates about the quality of the packaging.Fianlly, we solved it well.
We were required to pretend that we were sales person and promoter just like those promoters who set booth to promote their products at shopping malls. Therefore, we need to wear the same uniform, set up our tables and to include other initiatives to promote our product (such as posters, banner, name tags, business cards etc). We were required to verbally sells their product and demonstrate how to use their product. So, our theme is italian pizza restaurant .We decorated the booth as Italian dining table.Also, we have many amazing free gift which made up of duck tape,such as rose key chains , bookmarks and italiam moustaches.
Zi Shan (DIRECTOR)was in charged with the video Next, we wear what we act as in the video during the presentation day and others wear as a chef or waiters. Like me, my character in the video is a delivery pizza boy which slammed door by the kidnapper (Zi Fung).In the video , is telling us that the duck pizza have free delivery service and what it's special is the pizza is a duck tape.So, the kidnapper called pizza delivery in order to allow the victim (Bolin)keep quiet.
Advertisement Video
Reflection :
In project 2 , i have create new packaging of my product , althought our group does not did well in video and promoting our product but I'm very satisfies with our presentation .What i have learnt more in promoting our product. Besides , through the group task , i have learnt in better communicating skills with my groupmates . Besides, due to each of us have our own schedule , we need to tolerate each others in planning our meetings and ect. As a conclusion , i'm satisfied and enjoyed to our work in this project.
The Booth